Jay Beichman PhD, BACP (SnrAccred): Humanistic, Integrative and Pluralistic Counselling and Therapy in Brighton
"I understand who I am so much more now - and not only that but how I can be who I want to be for the future. I am a much happier person. It's given me freedom."
In person sessions now available as well as Zoom or phone depending on preference.
The practice is in Central Brighton, near the Level / Open Market and Elm Grove, very close to major bus routes as well as having on-street parking.
I have a lot of experience working with clients with many varied issues such as depression, bereavement, life changes, personal development, relationships as well as those who have been psychiatrically 'diagnosed' and want a more 'holistic' approach to their life experience. I have over 25 years experience.
Making the decision to see a therapist is a big step to take - but it can be a positive one. Please read on to find out more about how I can help you.
The basis of my work is in humanistic counselling that looks towards the creativity, love and tendency towards growth that is in everyone. It emphasises what is 'right' about us rather than just what is 'wrong'.
The belief that we all need to feel a sense of fulfillment and a continuous growing allows for a form of therapy that can go beyond 'getting over the past' or merely 'coping'. We are always in a 'process' of becoming so a therapist working humanistically does not look to 'diagnose' a person as a static entity but rather to work with the processes helping or hindering a person being or becoming him/herself.
However, I also work integratively, meaning that I use different approaches depending on what works for the client and how the client wants to work. I am aware of psychodynamic theory which can be very useful for understanding the impact of childhood and adolescent experiences in adult life and I have also trained in CBT which offers more pragmatic therapeutic techniques to help clients overcome particular problems.
In more recent years the term 'pluralistic' is being used to describe a type of therapy which is flexible and tailored to the needs of individual clients.
Counselling and psychotherapy allow two people (a client and a counsellor/psychotherapist) to have a relationship that enables the client to explore his/her thoughts, feelings and life in a non-judgmental atmosphere. It can also supportively challenge assumptions and aims for understanding, acceptance and clarity.
Counselling and psychotherapy can help with anxiety, grief, depression, relationships, confusion, anger, crises, stress and personal development.
The therapeutic relationship provides the space in which to explore problems, self-doubt or other issues.
I am a senior accredited and highly qualified counsellor / pscyhotherapist (PhD, BACP Senior Accredited) with over 25 years experience.
I trained in counselling at the University of Brighton, gaining the Postgraduate Diploma in Counselling (1998) and an MA in Counselling Studies (2001). In 2019, also at the University of Brighton, I was conferred a PhD in counselling and psychotherapy for research about 'pluralistic' therapy. In addition, I have completed trainings with Cruse (bereavement counselling) as well as some training experience with RELATE (relationship counselling). I also have TA 101 (Transactional Analysis) (2005), a Certificate in Life Coaching (2006), a Primary Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) (2006),a specialist training in Primary Care Counselling from the Tavistock Clinic in London (2006), attended masterclasses with John Rowan (2008) and completed Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training Levels I, II and III (2009). I have worked over the years for the Brighton and Hove Federation of Disabled People (now called Possability), Cruse, with Brighton Housing Trust in their Care in the Community mental health projects, in primary care, for EAPs (Employee Assistance Programmes) and in independent practice.
The counselling / psychotherapy I offer can be short or long-term, regular or intermittent. Sessions are 50 minutes.
Fees: First session free then £70 per session. Some concessions available for students, trainees and those on a low income.
Please feel free to contact me using the adjoining form if you have any questions about the way I work or if you would like to arrange for an initial free session.
You can also call me on 07817 404562
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General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
I have a responsibility under GDPR legislation to provide individuals with information about how I process their personal data.
So that we can contact each other to make or amend arrangements I keep your contact details (phone number and/or email address as agreed with you).
In the first session I also usually record information such as your date of birth, age, GP/surgery and medications. I also usually ask for information about current and significant past partners, close family, supportive friends and networks. This is basic information that helps me understand your social and psychological context and some of it is also recorded for legal and safeguarding purposes.
I also keep brief notes about our work together to support the quality and progress of the sessions.
Your contact details will be kept with my written notes in a locked filing cabinet.
I keep these contact details, basic personal information and notes for 7 years as recommended by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP). You have a right to access these notes whilst I hold them. After this time they will be shredded.
My supervisor also holds an up-to-date paper of my current clients so that they can contact my clients in case of an emergency when I may not be able to do so myself. This is part of my ‘clinical will’ and is held securely and confidentially by my supervisor.
All information collected will not be shared with anyone else for any reason (with the exceptions mentioned in my Information about the Counselling/Therapy document).
If you would like to know about GDPR please look at the Information Commissioner’s Office website: https://ico.org.uk/your-data-matters/.